Books & My Food. Literary Quotations & Original Recipies for Every Day in the Year.

SKU: 17533

A recipe for every day of the year, all 365 of them based on foods mentioned in various classic literature, including Austen, Dickens, Thackeray, Eliot, Tennyson, Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, and more. The recipes are given in imperial measurements and are not modern, but doable. Don't expect to be given a temperature for an oven, for example. Cakes, mutton chops, leg of lamb, meat pies, custards, puddings, porridges, stewed snipe - it's fun to read how these foods were prepared over a fire. In The Iowa Szathmary Culinary Arts Series, edited by David E. Schoonover. With a foreword by Schoonover and index. Very good condition, has barely been opened, but some sun fading of the dust jacket. University of Iowa Press. 1997. Hb, Dj. USED. $6.00