Jane Austen's Geographies. Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature.
SKU: 17158
The idea for this collection grew out of a conference held in June 2013 called "Locations of Austen" examining why Austen located P&P in Hertfordshire. The conference inspired the idea that geography underlies all of Austen's writing. With essays by John C. Leffel, Ana-Karina Schneider, Mark Ballard, Pat Rogers, Beth Kowaleski Wallace, Robert Clark, E. J. Clery, Laurie Kaplan, Janine Barchas, and Douglas Murray. First essay title drew me in! "Conjugal Excursions, At Home and Abroad, in Jane Austen's "Juvenilia" and Sanditon." From London to the hedgerows of Northhamptonshire, from celebrity name-dropping to mobility. Routledge. 2018. Paper edition first published in 2019. Paper. NEW. $45.00